Across the animal kingdom, male counter parts fight for territory or during the mating season literally or figuratively. Looking at a pride of lions as an example, there is great conflict when a new lion comes to take ownership of the existing pride. During that time, the existing lion, who is in charge of a pride, only fights the incoming adversary. However, lionesses chooses not to engage in the conflict and hence in a way support the battle. Animals are territorial. The reason males are involved in this territorial contest is to increase their lineage. The lioness very well knows this nature in order to increase its hunting ground and yet will not prevent the existing male from being cast out. If only lioness could stop hunting or mating with a given lion which most likely passively force the change in a lion’s behavior as a lion cannot risk his lineage, however, lioness does not willfully engage in such behavior.
This pattern is seen across all of animals. One can present a case that a single male is far stronger than a single female. However, this reason falls short on two fronts. One, females such as lions work collectively to hunt and rear young so they can easily fend off an encroaching male. Another reason is, barring anecdotal evidence, even in animals a male mates with a female only if the female allows him that physical connection. Needless to say this is not by force but female acceptance.
Humans with more complicated brains try to convolute this simple natural fact that somehow they are different. Case after case one can easily prove that women are drawn to men who are more aggressive and very resourceful. Often women do not mind sharing their powerful partner with multiple women. These are the same aggressive men who cheat, take advantage of other men and cause of lot of conflicts. There is barely any evidence of significance that women rejecting such men. As men grab more power, women finds that extremely attractive and hence support that behavior. The reason men engage in such a behavior is to increase his lineage. Men own big houses, start companies, expensive cars, and enjoy contact with socially popular figures, to attract young and attractive women and in the process get burned down. If at least 10% of young and attractive women decide not to go after wealthy and aggressive men, but rather men of value who are contributing to the society, then these men would modify their behavior to that which attracted women. It is in this nature of women seeking more resources make men to go after that. It is in this nature a men cheat other men to acquire more resources.
Looking at the data in the past and contemporary data young and beautiful women always married rich men and never bothered to share a man with another women. These are the same men who cheat their own family, society, their employees to get more wealth in order to improve their social status, a society built for women. Barely one can see women preferring men who actually advanced society in any form. Examples like Nichola Tesla, Jesus Christ (if he existed), Swami Vivekananda, Gautum Buddha, Socrates, Plato, Da Vinci, etc one can barely notice beautiful and young women going after them. Even in school system where women picks up suitable men barely you will see they are going after men who are shaping the world but rather men with physical abilities and/or resourceful.
Women marry military men because of baked in health, financial and job benefits in this profession. Women do not mind that these are the same men who are engaging in war. One can argue powerful people are responsible for war and fear mongering, however one cannot solve such a problem from top down, but rather than bottom up. If men stop becoming worker bees in the military, conflict becomes ever more unproductive. Eventually men won't go into those professions because naturally, men do what women want. As long as women marry men in military there will be wars. In this animal nature man is just a machine, or a worker bee. Women are always in charge either directly or indirectly. However, just as machines become damaged because of misuse, men are getting worn out because of the short term mentality of women, leading to the collapse of society.
Even if one takes examples of middle class families, which is a large section of the society, men needless take large amount of stress to strive for more. One can attribute this one mans behavior however, when man stops for this overloading himself and women blames them as dead beat husbands lacking ambition. He is abused, shamed and finally cheated in lot of cases which can be easily potrayed in media.