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Spot A Sociopath

Writer: v ev e


It is useful to know the characteristics of the sociopathic personality, as there are more of them these days. It can be difficult for an unaware person, associated with a sociopath, to realize that they are the sociopath's victim. It can be surprising to discover that a child or parent or colleague could be sociopathic. Qualities of these people are:


Many of the sociopaths are functional people who rise to becoming CEOs, lawyers, celebrities, politicians, doctors, salesmen, police, lobbyists, etc., while others become thugs. They can be very charismatic, so they may simply appear to be outgoing and gregarious, making it difficult to recognize them as sociopaths.

Never Take Responsibility

Sociopaths blame others for the consequences of their actions. Their notion of right or wrong is skewed and they are ready to break social norms.

Always Right

They tend toward acting and speaking as if they are always right. If at times they are forced to accept they are wrong, they do this either because of the possibility of severe loss of opportunity, or isolation from community. They cannot bear isolation, which they fear.

Lack of Empathy

Since childhood, these people recognize that something is lacking in them, so they attempt to make up for that by acting and manipulation to appear to conform with social norms. They do not experience other peoples suffering or happiness, but habituate themselves to act as others act, but without feeling it.

Everyone is just a Pawn

Sociopaths see everyone as as objects, and will treat people as pawns. They may be useful to attain his objective, but he does not care about their feelings.

Always Controlling

Sociopaths are very controlling by nature. Since they treat others as objects and controlling them gives him pleasure when inflicting pain or joy on others. They obtain control by providing pleasures like sex, or insulting them or creating depressive/insecure environment or making rash decisions that affect their peace, etc. People who have a relationship with a sociopath become victims. It can be difficult to break free from their grasp.

Extremely Innocent When Caught When caught with overwhelming evidence, they act totally innocent, so be very cautious not to let your guard down.

No Long Term Friends

Because they do not bond with others, they lack real friends.

Impulsive with Sudden Mood Swings

They change their emotions like a chameleon changes color, so they are good natural actors. Since they are not restrained by social norms their mood can be volatile, making those around them edgy, either to gain attention, or to manipulate their emotions.

Safeguard From A Sociopath

Unfortunately sociopathy is a condition that cannot be cured. One cannot change a sociopath as they are neurologically developed that way. The best way to safeguard oneself from sociopath is to get away as far as one can and avoid them completely. Do it for your sanity.

If one of your family members is a sociopath, just because they are blood relatives, does not mean you can fix their problem. A sociopath thinks it comical that other people display values, employ ethics in decision making, and internally thinks such people are weak. Your very desire to help them will be used against you.

Also a sociopath will have a close family member, like mother or father or a child, who is their favorite and they will act, showing their good persona to them while treating others as victims. If you are such a person to a sociopath, basically they are using you as a future backup option for support if and when things go very bad. If you are a child, a typical sociopath will use your achievements to elevate their social status.


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